Loss Prevention

Loss prevention is a critical part of any retailer’s operations, as it’s aimed at minimizing financial losses and creating a safe environment for both customers and employees. By using loss prevention tools like cameras and RFID tags, retailers can more easily ID potential risks, proactively deter theft, and respond to incidents.

Key Benefits

Protecting inventory
Safer shopping/work environment
Proactively deters theft
Identify risks proactively
More swiftly respond to incidents
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Loss Prevention Across Industries

Loss prevention tools from advanced surveillance systems and intelligent analytics software to the humble surveillance video camera come together to create a multi-layered defense for your property. Retailers can use them to proactively and easily mitigate incidents while fostering trust and safety with employees and customers.

Loss Prevention Hardware

Smart security surveillance cameras
Anti-theft devices
RFID anti-theft devices
Access control systems
POS system exception reporting
Intelligent video analytics
Safes/cash management systems
Inventory tracking systems

Esper Supported Hardware

Esper has a vast catalog of supported hardware with solutions spanning industries and device types. With over 1,500 devices across Android, iOS, or full custom, there’s plenty to choose from.
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Esper Supported Hardware Catalog
Esper Powers Exceptional Device Experiences
When the status quo simply isn’t good enough, and you’re ready to make your devices work for you, we’re here. Sign up for a demo today to see what Esper's MDM software can do for you.

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