Remote Learning

Remote learning, also known as distance education or online learning, allows students of all varieties to access educational content from anywhere with an internet connection. The approach gained popularity during COVID-19, as it gave learners everywhere more flexibility, accessibility, and personalized educational opportunities. It also reduces some overhead costs, increases access to quality education, and can leverage a wider array of technology than in a physical classroom.

Key Benefits

Enhanced accessibility
Flexibility & convenience
Personalized learning
Cost effective learning
Technological proficiency
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Remote Learning Across Industries

Remote learning involves a variety of digital platforms and tools. Hardware like laptops, tablets, and webcams connect students to their digital classrooms, while digital platforms like video conferencing software and learning management systems keep everyone on the same page with lessons, assignments, grades, and additional resources. The approach even makes it easy for students and teachers alike to stay up on lessons and coursework if sick or traveling.

Remote Learning Hardware

Laptop or desktop
Tablet or smartphone
Earbuds or headphones
Video conferencing platforms
Microphone & webcam
Learning management systems
Interactive whiteboard
External hard drive/cloud storage

Esper Supported Hardware

Esper has a vast catalog of supported hardware with solutions spanning industries and device types. With over 1,500 devices across Android, iOS, or full custom, there’s plenty to choose from.
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Esper Supported Hardware Catalog
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Esper Powers Exceptional Device Experiences
When the status quo simply isn’t good enough, and you’re ready to make your devices work for you, we’re here. Sign up for a demo today to see what Esper's MDM software can do for you.

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