How to Split Screen Apps on iPad

Cam Summerson
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Over the last few years, Apple’s iPad has transformed from “big iPhone” to “laptop replacement” thanks to a few key accessories and features. Two key multitasking features for this are Split View, a way to view two apps side-by-side, and Slide Over, a way to “float” an app in a small window on top of another app. 

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Let’s take a closer look at each feature in more detail, including how to use each one and when you might want to. 

💡 Note: Not all apps support Split View and Slide Over. We’ll cover how to check below. 

How to Use Split View on iPad

Compatibility: Split View is available on all iPad Pros, iPad Air 2 and later, iPad 5th gen and later, and iPad mini 4 and later running iOS/iPadOS 9 and newer.

What is Split View? This is a mode on iPad that allows you to run two apps side-by-side so you can use both at the same time.

Let’s say you have a scenario where you need to pair up a couple of apps on your iPad’s display. Split View is the solution you’re looking for here. To get started, tap the multitasking button (three dots) at the top of the app, like so: 

From there, tap on “Split View.” This will automatically dock the window to the left half of the screen and prompt you to open a second app that will dock to the right.

Once the second app is open, you can resize the two windows using the handle in the center. Just drag it left or right to change the size of either window. 

💡 Note: You can’t freely resize windows — default settings are at ½ and ¼ of the screen.

And that’s all there is to it! If you want to run a different app in your side-by-side window, simply slide up from the bottom of the screen to show the dock, then drag the icon to the side where you want that app to load.

How to Close a Split View Window

What happens when you don’t need that second app anymore? To close a Split View app, simply open the App Switcher: 

  • Open the App Switcher on iPads with a home button: Tap the home button twice
  • Open the App Switcher on iPads without a home button: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to the center

In the App Switcher, just swipe the app away that you no longer need. Otherwise, you can also press and drag to separate the windows.

There you have it! Now, let’s talk about Slide Over.

How to Use Slide Over on iPad

Compatibility: Slide Over is available on all iPad Pros, iPad Air 2 and later, iPad 5th gen and later, and iPad mini 4 and later running iOS/iPadOS 9 and newer.

What is Slide Over? This app mode allows you to run a smaller, floating app on top of a fullscreen app. The size and view are similar to those on a phone.

Using Slide Over is just as simple as Split View, though there are a few differences between use and execution. If you have a fullscreen app running and want to launch a Slide Over app, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to show the dock, then drag the app icon to the right or left (wherever you want the floating app to load). When you get it in the right spot, a “preview” window will load to show that the app will launch in Slide Over mode. Otherwise, it’ll launch the app in Split View.

Once the app is running in Slide Over mode, it will stay on top of your fullscreen app until you either close it or hide it. It will also stay on top of other open apps as you swipe through. Here are a few pointers for making the most of Slide Over mode:

  • To hide the Slide Over app: Drag the app off-screen from the outer edge. For example, if it’s on the right side of your screen, grab the left side of the Slide Over app and swipe to the right to hide it. The same goes for left-docked apps. 
  • To switch sides: To move your Slide Over app to the other side, grab the Slide Over app from the side  closest to the edge of the display and fling it over to the other side. So, if you dock an app on the right side of your screen, grab the rightmost edge of the app and fling it left. Vice versa for left-docked apps. 
  • To show hidden Slide Over apps: When you hide a Slide Over app, a handle will briefly display in the vertical center of the display on the side where you hid the app. To bring the app back, simply swipe in from that edge of the display. 
  • To close a Slide Over app: Apps running in Slide Over mode run as separate apps and close the same way as “regular” apps. To close a Slide Over app, grab the handle at the bottom of the app and slide halfway up the screen to load the App Switcher for Slide Over apps. From there, just swipe it away. You can also access Slide Over apps from the main App Switcher by swiping to the side of the display where you keep your Slide Over apps docked. 

But let’s say you want to move a fullscreen app to Slide Over mode. First, tap the multitasking button (three dots) at the top of the screen. From there, choose “Slide Over.”

The app will shift to the last side you used and prompt you to choose another app. This app will open in full screen mode, and your previous app will load in Slide Over mode on top. Easy peasy. 

Pro Tips and Tricks for iPad Multitasking

Learning to use these features is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some of my favorite tips and tricks for making the most of your iPad's multitasking features. 

  • Running Split View and Slide Over at the same time:  Here’s the best part about both of these modes: You can absolutely use them at the same time. That means you can have three apps on the screen simultaneously, which is pretty potent for #GSD on iPad.
  • Use multiple Split View app pairings for more useful multitasking: If you jump into the App Switcher, you’ll see that Split View apps show up together. That means you can run multiple app pairings and quickly swipe between them.
  • Keyboard shortcuts with the Magic Keyboard work in Slide Over apps: If you have multiple Slide Over apps running at the same time, you can swipe between them at lightning speed using touchpad gestures on the Magic Keyboard — just three-finger swipe the same way you would between fullscreen apps!
  • No Magic Keyboard? No problem. You can use swipe gestures on Slide Over apps without a keyboard by grabbing the handle at the bottom and swiping left or right. Additional tip: If you didn’t already know, this is also how you quickly switch between fullscreen apps, too. 
  • Use Stage Manager for a more computer-like feel: If you have an iPad powered by one of Apple’s M-series chips (iPad Pro, iPad Air 5th or 6th gen), you can use Stage Manager to run multiple apps at the same time. Open the Control Center and tap the icon with the rectangle and three square dots. This will allow you to resize windows, stack them, and even run up to four apps simultaneously. 
  • Use Split Screen and Slide Over with Stage Manager and an external display: If you have an iPad Pro or Air with an M-Series chipset, you can extend your iPad display to an external monitor. This will allow you to run up to eight apps simultaneously on the external display (using Stage Manager)
  • Mix and match Stage Manager with Split View and Slide Over: When connected to an external display, you can display Stage Manager on the iPad without affecting the external display. This will allow you to run Split View and Slide Over on the iPad display.

That pretty much covers it. Whether the iPad can be a true “laptop replacement” or a dedicated multi-use station strongly depends on your use case and requirements, but the dedicated multitasking modes on modern iPads definitely go a long way in making it a fully functional device. 

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Cam Summerson
Cam Summerson

Cam is Esper's Director of Content and brings over 10 years of technology journalism experience to Esper, including nearly half-a-decade as Editor in Chief of a technology publication. He currently oversees the ideation, execution, and distribution plans for numerous types of content from blog posts to ebooks and beyond.

Cam Summerson
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