IPA and PKG are file formats used to install applications on Apple iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and macOS devices. Similar to formats like MSI (Windows), APK (Android), and DEB (Linux), IPA and PKG files are compressed repositories of all the data necessary to install the application the “bundle” contains.
Can I Install IPA Files On My iPhone Or iPad?
Yes, but both methods require your iPhone or iPad to be physically connected to a macOS computer. You can install IPA packages (granted, these packages must be signed) using Apple Configurator or Xcode.
Install IPA File Using Apple Configurator 2
- Download and install Apple Configurator 2 on your macOS computer — it is available on the App Store for Mac.
- Open Apple Configurator
- Connect your iPhone or iPad to your macOS computer via USB cable. (Note: For the device to appear in Apple Configurator, you’ll need to trust the computer if you haven’t done so previously by selecting “Trust” on the dialogue that pops up on the iPhone or iPad upon connection.)
- Locate your device under “All Devices” or “Unsupervised” and click on the picture of your device.

- Click on the “Add” button in the top menu, then click “Apps”.

- Select “Choose from my Mac…” on the dialogue that opens, find your IPA file, and click “Add”. The app will then install on your iPhone or iPad.

Install IPA File Using Xcode
If you are a developer using Xcode on your Mac, this application can also be used to install signed IPA files on a connected iPad or iPhone. (Note: If you have not previously used Xcode or previously placed your iPhone in Developer Mode, this method is far slower than the Apple Configurator method above for installing IPA files.)
To install an IPA file using Xcode:
- Download Xcode from the Mac App Store.
- Enable Developer Mode on your iPhone or iPad (requires device reboot).
- Attach your iPhone or iPad via USB to your Mac.
- Open Xcode.
- From the menu bar at the top of the screen, click “Window” then click “Devices and Simulators.”

- On the window that appears, find your connected iPhone or iPad and select it.
- Drag the IPA file from your Mac into the “Installed apps” area of the window. The app will then install.
If you do not have a macOS computer, there is no easy way to install an application using a downloaded IPA file (i.e., to “sideload” an application) — unless that iOS device is jailbroken. Apple strictly controls the method of app installation on iOS devices like the iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. Only apps downloaded through the App Store can be installed directly on the device without the Apple Configurator or Xcode methods above.
What if My IPA File Won’t Install on My iPhone or iPad?
Likely, the application is for a different version of iOS or is not signed. Unsigned applications cannot be installed on iOS devices unless they are jailbroken. If an application is designed for an earlier (or later) version of iOS, it may also fail to install or fail to run after installation.
Can I Install IPA Files From Windows or Linux?
No. Previously, this was possible with older versions of iTunes on Windows, but this is no longer the case. Apple does not distribute versions of Apple Configurator or Xcode for Windows or Linux.
Can I Install Unsigned IPA Files on My iPhone or iPad?
No. Unless your iPad or iPhone is jailbroken, iOS will not install an unsigned IPA. This is an anti-tampering and anti-piracy protection that Apple has explicitly designed into iOS’s app installation framework to protect users and developers.
Can I Install PKG Files on My iPhone or iPad?
No. PKG files are only installable on Mac computers running the macOS operating system. (Note: Other devices like Sony’s PlayStation consoles also use the ‘PKG’ file extension for applications, but are not the same technical format and not intercompatible.)
Installing a PKG file on your Mac is simple: Just double-click the file to begin the installation process (for some applications, you may then need to double click on the disk image of the app that appears on the desktop after this step).
What Is the Difference Between .IPA and .APP Formats?
IPA is the “bundled” application format used by developers when preparing their iOS applications for upload to the App Store. The “bundle” contains metadata information for the store such as listing metadata and listing imagery. The .APP format is strictly the application bundle and contains none of the listing metadata. For the purpose of installing on an end iOS device, the IPA and APP formats are interchangeable, though it’s far less likely you’ll encounter .APP files in the first place.
What Is the Difference Between .IPA and .PKG Formats?
IPA files are used for iOS applications and run on devices like the iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. PKG files are used for macOS applications and run on devices like the MacBook, Mac Mini, Mac Pro, and iMac. The two formats are not compatible between operating systems.
Need to Install IPA Files on iPad or iPhone Remotely?
If you manage a fleet of iPads or iPhones and need to be able to quickly and easily deploy IPA files (even in bulk!), Esper is the answer. We help enterprises of all sizes manage, secure, access, and deploy software to iOS and Android devices.
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